Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Differences between IM and E-Mail

IM allows Video calling, VOIP, On-line Gaming, Filesharing and the messaging system is instant whereas the E-mail protocol is not, each message is sent and stored in a server waiting for the receiver to download it from the server - a bonus side to this is that IM cannot receive the message from a cloud, the user has to be connected to the protocol in order to read the message.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Vector and Bitmap Images

The definition of a Vector is described as being an image that can be re sized or reshaped without loosing quality and still remain detailed. This does not apply to a pixel image. Most images that are freely down loadable from the Internet are pixel images, one can view this by simply resizing the images and seeing the large distortion within the pixels. Vector images are mostly used for company logos and basic flash productions, as most photoediting suites use vectors to draw shapes they are vastly used in the Interactive media industry.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Code and Conventions in Media

The General rule of Codes and Conventions defines it's self as being guidelines for a successful, well structured media product. For example the main sequence that is followed in a soap opera are the following: Title sequence > Video Sequence > Cliffhanger > Credits

Although every media product follows these guidelines, they differ from each other with each individual product, for example the sequence of a magazine will differ from a film production sequence in a way that the guidelines would be shown as Header > Sub Heading > Simple Text > Images > Annotations > Footer - But the same type of guidelines will be followed so that a strong structure can be created.

The Codes and Conventions structure applies to almost every media product, including Interactive media such as flash based animations, websites and advertisements but is not always needed.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Branding defines the aspect of a product, a logo or slogan can influence a persons mind on what product they want to purchase, for example if someone wants to to buy a game they will automaticly think of a highly advertised company such as ‘Game’ or ‘Xbox Live’. The reason that they will easily think of these companies is because they have advertised them in a way that it sticks in the consumers mind, either by a catchy song or widley known logo.

Once a company has a satisfactory logo they muct keep it consistant so that the consumers can relate each individual product with the logo, also it helps that the logo or slogan can express a hidden message, such as the obvious ‘FEDEX’ logo that can be relvealed to show a hidden arrow that stands for fast delievery and communication.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Day 8

Last night I made a mock up design of the Website (see right). Following this idea I incorporated it into Flash CS5 and Through-out today i have been working on it, I will attach the latest version of it onto my blog with the date.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Day 7

Today myself and Zoe collected our previously booked equipment and filmed a few cut scenes of the college, including pan and zoom shots.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.3

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Day 6 (First day back after Half-Term)

Today, as project manager I gave tasks for each team member to work on, Zoe and Josh's task was to edit a interview each, and as Sophie did not turn up she could be of no use. As part of my task I created an image of the Weymouth college area with layered building shapes in Photoshop so that they could easily be imported into Flash and made use of.